As we age we may need some extra support to help us remain living comfortably and safely in our own homes. However, admitting that home care is required is rarely forthcoming from elderly people due to their strong desire to remain in control of their lives for as long as possible, as well as not wanting to be seen as a burden to their loved ones.
As a result, the responsibility often falls on family members to recognise the signs that an aging loved one may need some care at home to complete daily living tasks. To do this, it is important to monitor loved ones’ physical and mental abilities in order to be aware of any signs indicating that assistance may be needed.
So, what are some of the tell-tale signs that an elderly loved one may need home care?
They have difficulty performing routine daily living tasks including:
- Walking
- Standing up and moving around the house
- Maintaining dignity (bathing, toileting, dressing, grooming, getting up and going to bed)
- Eating
Physical clues around their home:
- Unopened post and bills, indicating difficulty completing regular tasks
- Build-up of out of date food, indicating the may have forgotten to throw it away
- Carpet stains potentially caused by spilling and dropping things
- Build-up of medication, indicating they have forgotten to take it
- Smell of urine in the house, indicating incontinence
Changes in the way they look:
- Weight loss, indicating difficulty shopping, cooking and eating
- Poor hygiene, indicating difficulty bathing and grooming
- Unexplained bruising, indicating they may have fallen
- Burns on the skins indicating they may have trouble cooking
You may also notice some of the signs that your loved one is developing Dementia or Alzheimer’s:
- Forgetfulness
- Loss of reasoning skills
- Confusion
- Repetitive speech
- Unable to finish sentences
- Mood swings
- Wearing the same clothes day after day
If you see that any of these signs are present, the next step is to talk with your loved one about their needs. It is important to ensure that it is them who identifies that support may be required and that they themselves decide which option best meets their needs.
There are a number of different home care companies in Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield and you can read here about the things to consider when choosing a provider.
If you would like to discuss any of the above, please contact us and we would be happy to help. The Care Collection also offers a free Care Consultation where we visit prospective Clients at home to discuss their requirements in detail before creating a bespoke care package.