The Care Collection provides Home Care to younger adults and children, as well as older adults. One such Client is Max, who has Down’s Syndrome. We recently spoke to Max’s mum about how we reinforce his independence to live in his own flat and support him with daily living skills and accessing the community:
“Max is 24 and has Down’s Syndrome. He has always wanted to be independent and his dream was to have a job, a girlfriend and his own flat. Now he has all of these, and his carers from The Care Collection play a huge part in supporting him.
He has a visit for at least an hour first thing in the morning to check that he is ready for the day, has done all his housekeeping, is clean, smart and well fed, is confident about going to his volunteering placements, and most importantly – that he is safe and happy. Max has a further visit for 1 hour at the end of each day.
Max’s carers are an important part of his life – so much so that he usually tries to get all his jobs done before they come so that he can have social time with them. They go above and beyond to support him – building a relationship with him, sharing his interests, developing his interest in cooking and being healthy, and finding out about his friends and family.
We are also reassured by regular meetings with the staff team and managers and find that any queries are quickly responded to in order to ensure the very best quality care.”
We also spoke to Max about how he enjoys his visits from our team who said:
“My Home Care is very good. I like relaxing with the carers and watching Michael Jackson documentaries. I really like when they help me to make nice meals. My carer Sandra is the best cook and I learn from her. My carers help me to keep my flat clean and I have fun! Chelsey is always chatting to me when she is here and helps me keep on track with my job list.”
The Care Collection is passionate about helping people with disabilities to be as independent as possible and live the life they want and we are delighted to support Max to lead an active and fulfilling life.