How long have you worked for The Care Collection?
Natalie: I have worked for The Care Collection since October 2017.
What attracted you to the company?
Natalie: I was looking for a new challenge and The Care Collection stood out from the rest of the care roles advertised. The packages the company provides to Clients are very varied and there is an opportunity to work with all ages and abilities, which very much appealed to me.
Who do you support currently and what kind of care do you provide for them?
Natalie: Currently I have three Clients. One is an elderly gentleman who I support twice a day (morning and evening). I help him with his daily routine of washing, dressing and preparing breakfast. I often do small jobs around the house if needed like ironing, washing and making the bed. I also support two elderly ladies, both of whom have dementia. One requires support with washing, dressing, personal care and food preparation. The other requires support with remembering to do things like taking her medication. I also go to the shops for her, take her to visit friends and help her with jobs around the home that she struggles to do. With all my Clients a big part of my role is companionship. Sometimes I may be the only person they see that day so it is important to have a good chat with them and make sure they are happy emotionally as well as physically.
What is the most satisfying aspect of working at The Care Collection?
Natalie: The most satisfying part of my job is knowing how much of an important role I play in my Clients lives, knowing that I am helping someone who genuinely needs it and feeling appreciated for it at the same time. It is also great that you never feel rushed on your visits as each visit is a minimum of 1 hour so you always have time to talk to them, get to know them and build relationships.
What advice would you give to people thinking about a career in home care?
Natalie: My advice would be that it is certainly a very rewarding career and if you enjoy helping others and making people happy then go for it! My Clients honestly make me smile every day!
What three words would you use to describe life at The Care Collection?
Natalie: Enjoyable, rewarding and friendly team!
Finally, on a more light-hearted note, what is on your “must do list”?
Natalie: The top thing on my must do list has to be to visit Italy. Tuscany looks like a beautiful part of the world, I would love to see it, a spot of wine tasting on a sun-drenched vineyard is my idea of heaven! I’d probably visit Venice too.