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Client Survey

We value feedback from our Clients and their loved ones so we can continue to develop our service and provide the best quality of care.

We invite you to complete the survey below. Please take a moment to answer each of the questions, selecting one option for each and if you choose no or somewhat an additional area will appear for you to optionally add further comments.

Thank you in advance

The Care Collection Team


Does our service meet your current needs?

Do you feel in control of your service?

Do you consider that our service has improved your quality of life?

Do you feel comfortable and safe with your Carer(s)?

Do you feel that your privacy, dignity and independence are respected?

Do you consider that your Carer(s) are punctual and reliable?

Do you feel well matched to your Carer(s)?

Overall, how do you rate the quality of the service provided by The Care Collection?

Would you be happy to recommend The Care Collection to a family member or friend?

Is there anything we could do to enhance the services we provide you?

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